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Local products(1 Results)

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Gastronomy and products of the region

In Livadeia and the surrounding villages, you will taste local, unique flavours in their authentic version. The local meat products, especially sheep meat, combined with traditional cooking techniques, offer dishes made with passion and care. You can try the famous souvlaki of Livadeia, the exquisite kontosouvli, the "hontro", the kokoretsi, the skewered lamb, the excellent sausages and the various pies with local aromatic green vegetables. Pure dairy and cheese products are produced in traditional workshops in the area, mainly from sheep`s and goat`s milk. Visitors can taste and buy local legumes such as the famous lathouri, lentils, beans and chickpeas. Read more
Category: Food, Dairy Products
Distance straight:0,00 klm

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